Toothache is a very common dental problem. It is the pain in or around the tooth and jaw. It happens when the nerve in the root of the tooth or the surrounding tooth is having inflammation. There are many causes leading to toothache.Signs and Symptoms
Pain in the tooth that can be sharp or throbbing or a constant dull pain, Pain the gums surrounding the tooth, Pain radiating to the jaw, Pain upon chewing, Pain upon opening the mouth wide, Swelling around the tooth, Fever, Ear pain, HeadacheCommon Causes
Tooth decay or cavities in the tooth, Infection of the root canal, Impacted tooth, Broken tooth, Infection in the gums, Tooth abscess, Sinus infection mimicking toothacheRisk Factors
Poor oral hygiene, Underlying health problems such as diabetes or HIV, Having weak immune system, SmokingInvestigation Techniques
Physical examination, X-ray of the teethTreatment and Prevention
Pain killers, Antibiotic to treat infections, Tooth extraction, Practice good oral hygiene