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Freestyle Freedom Lite Kit 1s
RM 74.80
The Freestyle Freedom Lite Kit is a diabetes management system that includes a blood glucose meter, test strips, lancets, a lancing device, and a carrying case. The meter measures blood sugar levels, and the test strips are used with a small blood sample to obtain readings. The lancets and lancing device are used to prick the finger for the blood sample. The kit is portable and user-friendly, providing a convenient solution for regular blood glucose monitoring and diabetes management.
The Freestyle Freedom Lite Kit is used by people to monitor their blood sugar levels. It helps them track their glucose throughout the day, make necessary adjustments in their treatment. The kit is a valuable tool for self-management and promoting better health for individuals.
External use only
The Freestyle Freedom Lite Kit is a reliable and user-friendly solution for sugar level management. With its blood glucose meter, test strips, lancets, and lancing device, the kit provides convenience and accuracy in monitoring blood glucose levels. The kit's design ensures ease of use, allowing individuals to easily obtain and analyze their blood glucose readings. By utilizing the Freestyle Freedom Lite Kit, individuals can confidently monitor their blood glucose levels, take proactive steps in managing their sugar level, and promote their overall well-being.