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Multistix 5 1s
RM 106.80
Multistix 5 Reagent Strips are a tool for evaluating the amounts of five distinct constituents in the urine of pregnant patients. It is also safe to use in non-pregnant patients. It's used to detect problems such urinary tract infections, dehydration, and the onset of gestational diabetes in pregnant women.
The strips are intended for in vitro diagnostic usage by professionals. When you remove the Multistix® 5 urinalysis test strips from the bottle, they're ready to use and can be read visually or with the Clinitek Status®+ Urine Analyzer.
Multistix 5 is used to detect glucose, protein, blood, nitrite and leukocytes.
There are no common criteria for drug and alcohol testing, monitoring, diagnosis, or ongoing care in clinical settings. The American Society of Addiction Medicine recognizes that this has resulted in a clinical practice gap. Various sorts of drug testing can be done efficiently at home, business, or school even without uniformity. Due to restricted availability to mail-in labs that process remote samples, at-home or remote testing may not always be possible, but that is changing. More labs are adding remote specimen sample analysis to their list of services.
Saliva, urine, and occasionally blood tests are the most prevalent types of alcohol and drug tests. Blood testing provides more accurate and dependable results. This is because, among other things, blood tests offer more specific information on drug and alcohol concentration levels. Blood samples are also more difficult to adulterate or dilute than urine samples.
A lot of remote samples collecting devices aren't very intrusive. They take a high-quality sample from the fingertip using a simple finger-prick procedure. During therapy, several addiction treatment clinics use these gadgets face-to-face with patients. Instead of allowing patients to walk away for private urine-in-a-cup sample collection, care providers prefer to collect urine samples immediately from them.