Hemorrhagic cystitis is a condition where the inner surface of the bladder and blood vessel supplying it has been damaged. Hemorrhagic means bleeding while cystitis means inflammation of the bladder.Signs and Symptoms
Hematuria, Dysuria (painful urination), Burning with urination, Urinary frequency, Urinary urgency, Urinary incontinence (involuntary loss of urine), Nocturia, Vague abdominal (or suprapubic) pain, Fatigue (due to anemia), Bladder infectionCommon Causes
Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy, InfectionsRisk Factors
Chemotherapy medications Cyclophasphamide and Ifosfamide, Bladder cancer, Pelvic radiation therapy, Radiation therapy given with chemotherapy, AIDS, Other chemicals such as dyes and insecticides, Antibiotics, Viruses such as papovarius and adenovirus, Persistent urinary tract infections, Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count)Investigation Techniques
Viral culture, Electron microscopy of bladder biopsy specimens, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), CT urography, Magnetic resonance (MR) urography, Intravenous pyelography, CT scanning without contrast , Renal ultrasonographyTreatment and Prevention
Analgesics pain medication, Antibiotics if concern about underlying infection or as a preventive measure, Blood transfusion if anemia results from bleeding, Instillation of medications into the bladder to stop bleedingPsychological Issues
Depression, Stress