Induction of labour is a procedure which artificially stimulates the uterus beyond 28 weeks of pregnancy by any method to start labour before its spontaneous onset and vaginal delivery. However, there are indications and contraindication to performing this procedure and a meticulous assessment needed to be done before performing the procedure. Some of the indications are post-dates delivery, patients with diabetes mellitus, oligohydramnios, rhesus is-immunization, unstable lie, intrauterine fetal death, pre-eclampsia prolonged prelabour rupture of membrane and minor placenta previa. The contraindications are cephalopelvic disproportion, previous uterine scar/rupture, active genital herpes, transverse lie, macrosomic baby, breech presentation, severe intrauterine growth restriction. The assessment to be done before the procedure is carried out in the assessment of the cervix according to the Bishop Score which includes the dilation of the cervix, consistency of cervix, length, and position of cervix and station of presenting part. Induction can be done by drugs like prostaglandin, oxytocin, artificial rupture of membrane and usage of a balloon catheter.