Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a condition where the blood pressure in the arteries are higher than the normal range. It is different compared to the blood pressure which commonly discussed. It is a life threatening condition and worsens over time.Signs and Symptoms
Shortness of breath, Chest pain, Fatigue, Passing out, Swelling on your ankles and legsCommon Causes
Congestive heart failure, Blood clots in the lungs, HIV, Illegal drug use (like cocaine or methamphetamine), Liver disease (such as cirrhosis of the liver), Autoimmune diseases, Congenital heart disease, Lung diseases, Sleep apneaRisk Factors
Women of childbearing age, Family history of the diseaseInvestigation Techniques
Blood tests, Electrocardiogram, Breathing tests (pulmonary function tests), 6 minute walk test, Echocardiogram, Right Heart CatheterizationTreatment and Prevention
Oxygen therapy, Blood thinning medication, Calcium channel blockers, Atrial septostomy (Rarely)