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Dr Nortiers Sod Rooibos Tea 20s
RM 14.80
Rooibos tea is a one-of-a-kind product from a unique region. The magnificent Cedarberg mountain range, 200 kilometres north of Cape Town, is home to a great variety of plant species that grow exclusively in 'micro-climates.' Only here, in a region with Mediterranean rainfall and coarse sandy soil, can Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) thrive in its original condition.
Benefits of Dr Nortiers Sod Rooibos Tea:
Side effects for this product are uncommon, but some people may still experience them. Seek medical attention if you experience any side effects.
Consumed as needed
Rooibos has been grown for hundreds of years in the Cedarberg region of the Western Cape. The Indians discovered that the Aspalathus linearis plant's needle-like leaves made a nice, perfumed tea. Hectic axe-whacking and hammer-battering of wild plants followed by fermentation in heaps before sun-drying were their methods. Rooibos is now handled in a similar fashion, but more mechanised and refined.
Caffeine-free. Rooibos requires no extra processing. Rooibos is naturally tannin-free. Tannins may block iron absorption, particularly in anemic populations. Children, adolescents, premenopausal women, elderly men, and vegans are among them. Allow at least one hour between the end of a meal and drinking black or normal tea. Such advice is unneeded if you drink Rooibos.
In addition to being strong in antioxidants, Rooibos also fights free radicals, which weaken the body's natural defenses and contribute to aging, immune system decline and the onset of many ailments. Free radical cell damage is linked to chronic disorders including cancer, heart disease, and aging. The naturally occurring antioxidants in Rooibos are attracting the attention of scientists and health professionals worldwide.
Rooibos tea like Dr Nortiers Sod Rooibos Tea 20s is also calorie-free, making it ideal for weight loss. It is inherently sweeter than other teas, making it a more practical herbal option. Rooibos has no oxalic acid. It is safe to drink for kidney stone sufferers.