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Love Earth Organic Baby Rice 900g
RM 18.10
This Love Earth Organic Baby Rice is only recommended to Baby that is able to take solid food (usually 6 – 8 months old). Each baby’s digestive system is different, thus it would be best to start with smaller portion to let them try on the absorption of nutrition.
Love Earth Organic Baby Rice provides fast and instant energy, good bowel movement, stabilizing blood sugar levels and providing essential source of vitamin B1 to human body.
Use with caution if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed.
Consume as needed
The way food is produced or farmed may have a significant impact on your mental and emotional health, as well as the environment. Organic foods, such as Love Earth Organic Baby Rice, typically contain more beneficial components, such as antioxidants, than conventionally grown foods, and those who are allergic to foods, chemicals, or preservatives may notice that their symptoms improve or disappear when they consume only organic foods.
Organic fruits and vegetables have less pesticides.Synthetic fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides are routinely employed in conventional farming, and chemical residues linger on (and in) the food we consume.
Organic food is often fresher than conventional food since it does not include preservatives that extend its shelf life. Organic food is sometimes (but not always; always check the label) farmed on smaller farms near to the point of sale.
Organic agriculture is often seen as ecologically favorable. Organic farming practices have the potential to decrease pollution, save water, reduce soil erosion, increase soil fertility, and use less energy. Agriculture without chemical pesticides helps surrounding birds and animals, as well as local residents.