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Mennosato Organic Sweet Potato Baby Noodle 200g
RM 9.50
Get into the world of organic nutrition with Country Farm Organics' Mennosato Organic Baby Noodle. This organic noodle provides your child with all the essential vitamins and minerals needed for their growth and development. Its super delicious taste will keep your little one coming back for more with each meal!
Available in: Sweet Potato, Spinach Baby, and Multi Vegetable
Organic Wheat Flour (97%)., Sweet Potato Powder (2%). Filtered Water (19%)
Check packaging for an expiry date
Store in cool dry place. Away from direct sunlight.
Mennosato Organic Baby Noodle is soft enough for even the smallest of mouths, this nutritious noodle quickly and easily dissolves in water to make a safe, solid food suitable for babies from 7 months or older. Our product is certified and made fresh from only the finest organic ingredients that are free from synthetic colouring, flavourings, sugar, and preservatives. So go ahead and make Mennosato Organic Baby Noodle a staple in your household today!