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Relove Feminine Intimate Wash Sensitive Skin (Calendula Extract) 120ml
RM 88.00
The Relove Feminine Intimate Wash Sensitive Skin (Calendula Extract) 120ml contains high-grade natural essense to protect the health and cleanliness of initimate areas, and is designed with a mild and soothing hypoallergenic formula to suit women of all walks of life and all skin types.
In the rare occassion of symptom development or allergic reaction, stop usage of this product and immediately seek medical attention.
Place a small amount of product on the back of the palm or on normal healthy skin on the arm before use. If any side effects or allergic reaction occur, wash off immediately and do not use the product.
Maintaining good bodily hygiene is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. More attention should be placed on the care of intimate bodily parts. However, it is important to understand which parts can and should be cleaned and which parts do not need to be cleaned.
The vagina is the inner canal of the female intimate body part and is a self-cleaning organ. The inner canal does not require any cleaning, even with water and should not come into contact with any external cleansing products. The vulva is the external part of the female intimate body part. Using warm water is generally enough to cleanse the vulva but an addition of a mild soap, or gentle cleansing products specifically made for the intimate parts like Relove Feminine Intimate Wash Sensitive Skin (Calendula Extract) 120ml can be used.
It is normal for the intimate body part to have a light odour or have discharge and this can change with time. Here are some tips to help maintain good hygiene: