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Imu Strong Sachet 10s
RM 36.90
Imu Strong can help to strengthen the immune system when taken daily. It helps to reduce the risk of respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract infection. For best effect, take for at least 3 weeks.
Why Imu Strong?
Strain of Imustron bacteria:
1. Has been utilized as an ingredient in nutritional supplements since the mid-1980s, indicating that certain strains are quite safe to consume.
2. Capable of surviving an acidic environment in the stomach.
3. Bile resistant.
4. Possesses an exceptional capacity for adhesion to the human gut wall (prolong the time Imustron able to exert beneficial influence on the immune system).
5. Capable of colonizing and growing in the gastrointestinal tract of humans.
The occurance of side effects are rare, however immediately seek medical advice if you experience the following side effects:
The basis of good health comes with a healthy digestive system. The digestive system is not only responsible for processing and absorbing nutrients from the food and drinks we eat, but it is also one of the important detoxifying systems in the body.
Apart from having a healthy diet with adequate amounts of fibre, the intestines function optimally with the help of good bacteria. These good and beneficial bacteria, also known as the normal flora within your gut, help reduce inflammation which will lead to a better egestion of waste from the body. External probiotics like Imu Strong Sachet are live microorganism, which can be consumed to restore the normal flora within the gut. These probiotics can also be found in various foods like kimchi, yogurt, kefir, tempeh, miso etc..
Having a healthy and balanced diet is always the ideal way to regulate the body's functions. Hydration is also important for a healthy gut.