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Smith & Nephew Sterile Gauze Swab (5cm x 5cm) 5s
RM 1.60
Whether you’re a doctor, nurse, or just a concerned parent, gauze swabs are an essential item for any first aid kit. Smith & Nephew Sterile Gauze Swab is a high-quality medical product that is here to help you and your loved ones stay safe. These sterile gauze swabs are essential for any hygienic environment or first aid kit. The absorbent, soft cottony material provides gentle cleaning of wounds while still being able to hold more moisture than traditional gauzes. Smith & Nephew Sterile Gauze Swab is the best first aid for you.
For external use
Material: Cotton
The Smith & Nephew Sterile Gauze Swab is a highly versatile swab that fits perfectly into tight spaces, making it perfect for protecting wounds and applying creams, ointments, or wound care products. With these highly absorbent and slim swabs, you can ensure that any minor injuries are kept clean and cared for with the utmost safety. You can trust Smith & Nephew for all of your medical needs. Keep the Smith & Nephew Sterile Gauze Swab on hand in case of emergencies and for your daily hygiene needs.