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Urgotul AG 1s 15x20 cm
RM 507.10
Urgotul AG is a ground-breaking wound dressing that combines the power of lipidocolloid dressings with the antimicrobial benefit of silver to create a moist and protective environment that aids wound healing. It is ideal for treating chronic and acute wounds and aids in the fight against infection while reducing scabbing and scarring. Urgotul AG is the ideal solution for those looking for an advanced wound dressing that is simple to apply and remove.
For external use
Material: Polyester mesh containing silver sulphate
Check packaging for an expiry date
Store in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight.
Urgotul AG, the revolutionary wound dressing that combines the power of lipidocolloid dressings with the antimicrobial benefit of silver, is now available. This advanced wound dressing promotes healing and fights infection, making it suitable for both chronic and acute wounds.
Urgotul AG is designed to create a moist and protective environment that helps promote wound healing. The lipidocolloid and silver combination keeps the wound clean and free of infection, while the moist environment helps to minimise scabbing and scarring.