Eczema is a skin condition that results in red, itchy or weeping skin. It can be a chronic problem with flare-ups now and then. It is also associated with other conditions such as hay fever and asthma. Signs and Symptoms
Itchy skin especially at night, Red or brownish patches on eyelids, neck, hands, bends of the elbows and knees, feet and ankles, and in infants, the face and scalp, Dry and scaly skin, Skin lesions which weep and become crusted, Raw and sensitive skinCommon Causes
Gene variation which impairs the skin's ability to retain moisture and protect you from a foreign substanceRisk Factors
Personal history of eczema, hay fever, asthma or allergies, Family history of eczema, hay fever, asthma or allergies. Use of harsh soaps, shampoos or detergents, Rough or wool apparels, Living in places with dry and cold climates, Dust and dust mites, Sand, Scratching and rubbing, Usage of drying preparations such as calamine lotion, Certain foodTreatment and Prevention
Moisturise your skin regularly, Avoid harsh soaps and detergents, Wear light, soft clothes, Avoid scratching and rubbing, Prescription topical medications containing corticosteroids or antibiotics, Antihistamines, Immunosuppressants, Biologic agents, Phototherapy, Wet dressings, Relaxation, behaviour modification and biofeedbackPsychological Issues