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Country Farm Organic Chia Seed (Mex) 300g
RM 30.20
Learn about Country Farm Organic Chia Seed's (Mexican) natural deliciousness. These little nutritious powerhouses are grown in Mexico and are packed with decades' worth of health benefits. Discover the history of our organic chia seeds, their methods of cultivation, and their remarkable health benefits. Our chia seeds aim to improve your journey whether you're a wellness fanatic, a foodie, or an adventurous eater. Come along as we explore the history of Country Farm Organic Chia Seed (Mex), revealing their gastronomic variety and contribution to your health. These tiny but powerful seeds are an important addition to your kitchen that will help you connect with Mexico's rich natural history.
Oral use
Pure chia seeds, harvested from Mexico.
Country Farm Organic Chia Seed (Mex) is a nutritious powerhouse that originates from the center of Mexico. These small seeds have a long history of outstanding health advantages and culinary adaptability.
These seeds provide a natural energy boost and enhance general wellbeing. They are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, and other minerals.
However, it's about simplicity as well as nourishment. You can easily make chia pudding with them, add them to smoothies, or sprinkle them on yogurt. They are a go-to for thickening and baking that is gluten-free.
Your nutrition is elevated by Country Farm Organic Chia Seed (Mex), whether you're interested in wellbeing or trying new foods. With every small seed, embrace Mexico's innate vigor and appreciate the best of nature.