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Radiant Organic Pitted Prunes 250g
RM 26.80
Radiant Organic Pitted Prune is sun-dried, without the use of sulphur or anything artificial, just the way nature intended which made it naturally dark brown in color. They are naturally delectable without any added sugar -- perfect as a healthy snack!
You have to seek medical advice if the following symptoms appear after using the product:
Pesticides are less prevalent in organic fruits and veggies. Synthetic fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides are broadly utilized in conventional farming, and chemical residues stay on (and in) the food that we consume.
Organic food is often fresher since it does not include preservatives that lengthen its shelf life. Organic food is sometimes (but not always, so check the label) grown on smaller farms relatively close to where it is marketed.
Organic farming is generally beneficial for the environment. Organic agricultural approaches have the potential to minimize pollution, preserve water, reduce soil erosion, boost soil fertility, and use less energy. Farming without the use of synthetic pesticides is also beneficial for surrounding birds and animals, as well as for humans who live around local farms.