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Radiant Raw Manuka Honey MG 400 Natural 340g
RM 190.60
Radiant Raw Manuka Honey MG 400 Natural is a truly one-of-a-kind New Zealand product. This honey is gathered from natural hives in remote areas and allowed to interact with bees, flowers, and seasons, resulting in subtle variations. Each batch is tested for the presence of Methylglyoxal, the active ingredient in manuka honey. This honey, with a Methylglyoxal content of 400, is guaranteed to deliver the distinct properties and benefits of manuka honey.
Variant: 400
Radiant Raw Manuka Honey MG 400 Natural can be used just like any other honey. It can be used as a spread on toast or in baking recipes.
100% Raw New Zealand Manuka Honey
Check packaging for an expiry date
Store in a cool, dry place
Radiant Raw Manuka Honey MG 400 Natural may contain traces of pollen and wax from the bees, which is safe for most people. Those with bee allergies should not consume it.
Methylglyoxal (MG) is the main ingredient in manuka honey, and it is responsible for the honey's distinct properties and benefits. Radiant Raw Manuka Honey MG 400 Natural from New Zealand contains MG 400, which is considered the highest quality of manuka honey. This honey is gathered from natural hives in remote areas and allowed to interact with bees, flowers, and seasons, resulting in subtle variations. Each batch is tested for Methylglyoxal content and contains 400 MG. This ensures that customers receive the distinctive properties and benefits of manuka honey, such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Radiant Raw Manuka Honey MG 400 Natural is a truly unique New Zealand product.