A severe bacterial infection can be a potentially life-threatening condition if not treated properly. A bacterial infection is a condition that we hear almost every day. Some bacterias that live in our body will not cause any harm. However, there are some bacterias that may cause death. There are two types of bacteria which are gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Knowing them is essential for the treatment. Bacterial infection can begin anywhere in the body. Some of the examples are urinary tract infection, infection of the meninges or meningitis, infection of the lung or pneumonia, chlamydia, syphilis, cellulitis and many more. These can cause complications if not treated immediately. The complications are brain abscess, lung abscess and can even lead to septic shock. Septic shock may lead to death. It is essential to identify the symptoms of sepsis such as fever and chills, rapid breathing, low urine output, hypo or hyperthermia. It is essential to get a blood, stool, or urine culture done to identify the organism because the antibiotics prescribed will be according to the group of bacteria identified.