Thyroid Cancer develop when there is changes in the cells or cell mutation causing it to growth continously or function autonomously. It occurs in the thyroid gland located at the front of neck which is shaped like a butterfly. There are mainly 4 types of thyroid cancer: papillary carcinomas (80%), follicular carcinomas (10%), medullary thyroid carcinomas (5-10%), anaplastic carcinomas (1-2%), primary thyroid lymphomas (rare), and primary thyroid sarcomas.Signs and Symptoms
Painless lump felt at the neck, Rapid growth of the lump, Hard and fixed swelling, Enlarged neck ymph nodes, Changes in voice, Difficulty swallowing, Loss of appetite, Loss of weight.Common Causes
Genetic mutationsRisk Factors
Female gender, High levels radiation exposure to the neck, Inherited genetic syndrome, Family history of thyroid cancer, Low iodine diet, existing multinodular goitreInvestigation Techniques
Full blood count,Thyroid function tests, Ultrasound of thyroid gland, Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), Radioactive iodine uptake study, Plain X- Ray of neck, Thyroid antibodies levels, ECG, CT scan, PET scanTreatment and Prevention
Surgical removal of the thyroid gland (thyroidectomy) and the affected lymph nodes, Thyroid hormone therapy, Chemotherapy, Radioactive iodine, External radiation therapy, Palliative carePsychological Issues
Irritability, Nervousness, Insomnia