4 years
How to avoid getting infection on your private area
Hi , im a 16 year old girl . I have gotten pimples on my private area , but not often . I didnt get scared because pimples on ur vagina is normal . But today , I accidentally popped a pimple on my private area and white fluid came out . I got scared and searched on google what can happen if you pop a pimple on your priv area and it says it can lead to infection easily . Doctor , how can i avoid getting infection on my private area ? Please help me

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
4 years
Hi there, thank you for contacting us at DoctorOnCall.
We understand your concern regarding the pimples or rashes around your private area. For your information, there are various causes that may lead a woman to have such situations, such as:
- Poor hygiene care on private area
- Skin infection
- Skin inflammation (dermatitis)
- Sexually transmitted infection
- Flexural candidiasis
You can avoid or reducing the risk of having infection in private area by doing these steps:
- Improve the hygiene care of your private area
- See a doctor to get examined so that the doctor can exclude serious causes of the mentioned symptoms
- Always change your underwear if you are sweating because dirty underwear may cause irritation on your skin and provide a place for microorganism to grow on the fabric or your skin
This is only our general information and impression regarding your condition, we advise you to see a doctor so that the cause can be known and for you to get treated accordingly.
If you have any further question, do reach us at (DoctorOnCall) to talk with our qualified doctors. Thank you.