Explore Goutrelated questions
Saya baru kena gout tahun ni selepas pergi check di klinik
3 years
Saya baru berumur 23 tahun. Saya baru sahaja tahu yang saya menghidap gout bila pergi ke klinik. Sebelum ini saya selalu pergi gym dan ambil supplement Whey Protein dan Creatine Monohydrate. Bil…
- Anonymous
Question about gout. Read B3 can cause gout?
3 years
I am 43 male. I had gout (2-3 weeks ago). 2months consume BComplex, omega&habbatussauda, usually less urinate. does niacin can cause gout also ?
- Anonymous
Gout, aside terlalu banyak dalam badan
3 years
Dr sy nk tnya, ayah sy sakit gout dah lama, pergi check said dalam badan pun banyak sekarang kaki menjadi kecil Dan bengkak pada buku lali. Jadi rawatan apa yang perlu diambil Oleh ayah saya sel…
- Anonymous
Will drink a lot of water a day reduce the risk of gout attack?
3 years
Hi Doc, would like to ask as above title. Will drink 3ltr of water a day reduce the risk of gout attack?Thanks.
- Anonymous
Untuk mengetahui cara mengelak urid asid tinggi
4 years
Saya wanita umur 28,ingin mengetahui atau cara untuk mengelak mendapat urid asid tinggi
- Anonymous
Acute Gout at right ankle and left toe continously within 10 days
4 years
I’m a guy at 30s,recently my right ankle has acute gout attack last Monday, and taken arcoxia 90mg with colchicine 0.6mg for 4 days. The pain and swell has reduced but still persist to date. Yes…
- Anonymous
Gout Diet Plan and prevention ideas
5 years
I’m Aaron, age 29, male. I’ve gout attack in my ankle. I’ve never drink or smoke before. I’m living in KL past 9 years and having shop foods. I’m not a vegetable consumer. Eat a lot of red meats…
- Anonymous
I have an aunty who had long-standing gout problem
5 years
Hi doctor, I have an aunty who had long-standing gout problem. It restricts her movement by a lot. She said she had enough of taking medication and was asking if there is an option for surgery for her…
- wanee
My grand-dad was an active guy but just diagnosed with gout
5 years
Hello doctor, my grand-dad was an active guy but just diagnosed with gout. Is there any good exercises that can relieve the problem as my grand-dad is quite reluctant to take his medication. Thank you…
- parker
Started taking protien supplements
5 years
Doctor, my wife love to go to gym. But she has gout. Recently she started taking protien supplements. Is this okay? Would it worsen his gout?
- kamalhadhri
My father was diagnosed with gout
5 years
Hello doctor, my father was diagnosed with gout. But then when we got re-examined and tested at other clinic they said it was pseudogout. Why this happened? What is pseudogout?
- safijehan
Would like to ask about suitable food for my brother
5 years
Would like to ask about suitable food for my brother who is suffering from gout, diabetics and high blood pressure. He’s on medication for diabetics and BP…at times with headache and takes gout medica…
- ahmadsalman
Can someone with gout fasting
5 years
Can someone with gout fasting?
- gabriel
Hi doctor, my father has gout
5 years
Hi doctor, my father has gout. He just recently stay with me at my house. I don’t know what kind of food he should avoid and what kind are good for him. Please help me with this. Thank you
- yahyasamad
Can Someone With Gout Take Fish Oil Supplement?
5 years
Doctor, can someone with gout take fish oil supplement?
- mutusamy
I have been having pain in my joints
5 years
Hello doctor, I am a 40 year old guy. I have been having pain in my joints and it restricts my movements. How do I know if this is arthritis or gout? What should I do. I am worried.
- richard
I recently had my toe pain and swelled
5 years
Hi doctors,I recently had my toe pain and swelled,after reading this article site and I understand that is gout and immediate stop eating food high in uric acid and drink a lot of water,after two days…
- rahman