Explore Fatiguerelated questions
Collapse when working
3 years
I am a student that need to work on the assignment and art commission in front of the computer for almost 16 hours. Just a few hours ago, my sight got blurry, can’t focus, and my consciousness …
- Anonymous
Extreme fatigue, body sore, numb hands, I think my brain is floating on top of my head for a year
4 years
25 y/o female student. For the past 1 year since pandemic quarantine, I’ve been experiencing very dry scalp, numb hands occasionally, numb body once during my period last 2 months, overthinking …
- Anonymous
Fatigue, loss of appetite, dizziness, cold hands and feet
4 years
I am a 18 years old girl who has the below symptoms: -frequent canker sores/ulcers in mouth -loss of appetite -frequent fatigue and feels tired even though I have 7-8 hours of sleep everyday …
- Anonymous
Fatigue low degree fever
4 years
hello. Pagi tdi saya demam suhu 37.9, selepas tidur dan sekarang suhu sudah turun 37.2, tapi pening kepala 2 side kaki dari lutut, 2 side tangan dari lengan, dan dari belakang telinga hingga bibir ke…
- itzmeklah3
Tired body, Tired Eye, 36.8c - 37.1c
4 years
Hi, i am developing these symtom such as Tired body(head heavy) , Tired Eyes, and temperature ranging 35.9(woke up), 36.6-37.1(evening and night) ±0.2c averagely. No coughing, no flu, no shiver. …
- Anonymous
Pernafasan tidak sempurna
4 years
saya nk brtnya… sy ada rasa kurang selesa dengan pernafasan sy… cnth sy menguap tpi sy dpt rasakn sy menguap tidak sempurna (menguap yg tidak sepuasnya) … adkh ia dsbbkn masalah prnafasan spt jn…
- Anonymous
My arm/arm feeling tiredness (Lenguh)
4 years
My arm/arm feeling tiredness For the past 3 days. Pls assist
- Anonymous
Sleep for 7 hours or 8 but feeling not enough rest
4 years
I have been used to sleeping late like until 2am, then wake up at 8:30am, then snooze the alarm and finally wake up at 9am. So I tried to sleep before midnight and wake up at 8:30am. Sometimes I…
- Anonymous
Tiredness and fatigue
4 years
Hi Doctor! I am a woman early 20’s and working. About a month I felt liked very tired and fatigue. Is there any supplements that can I take?
- Anonymous
Tiredness and lack of energy all the time
4 years
Good day, Please advise on which multivitamin is the best for elderly woman (age more than 70 years old)? She always complained on having lack of energy, very tired all the times even though sh…
- Anonymous
Itching Under Adam Apple And Tiredness
4 years
Hey, I’m a male 25 years old I have some problems I feel Itching under adam apple my throats are fine it’s been almost a week like this also I feel Extremely tired since 3 days sometimes I feel …
- Anonymous
Heavy Chest, Short Breathing, inflammation
4 years
i having this symptom where i have numbness whole body, hand and both legs(suspect inflammation) but i do take care all food intake must be anti inflammation, end up cant sleep whole day. it wil…
- Anonymous
Tired while ramadan
4 years
i always feel tired and lazy and want to sleep and when i work a little i get tired so fast
- Anonymous
Body aches, tiredness
5 years
I was so angry yesterday and now my body is in pain. What should I do.
- Anonymous
I Wake Up Feeling Super Tired
5 years
I have been thinking a lot lately, i cant sleep well and i wake up feeling super tired. My body aches and i am missing work a lot. Do i need any supplements to give me energy?
- saipol