Explore Acnerelated questions
Dealing with acne for 5years
3 years
Good morning doctor, I’m a 23years old guys who suffer acne for 5year. I had use fach wash, moisturizer and other product etc… I also go government hospital for y acne issue… they offer me ben…
- Anonymous
Mixing spot treatments
3 years
I suffered a breakout skin after consuming hormonal pills. I’m currently using Mycin T3 and my skin is getting better. So, I would like to ask is it ok to use Mycin T3 and Dermatix Acne+ Scar at…
- Anonymous
Advice for acne prone skin
3 years
Few years ago I went for dermatologist, I consumed isotretinoin and also apply differin. My doctor advised that I’m able to stop taking the medicine after 2.5 years. But after a year, my acne re…
- Anonymous
Acne and scars problem
3 years
Hello Dr. I’m a woman, 25 y/o who had acne n scars problem for many years since studies…I’ve tried many topical treatment before and it doesn’t work on my skin…I even go to facial treatment but …
- Anonymous
Acne on forehead for long period of time
3 years
asking for a 19 yo guy who is having problems with acne for almost a year. has used many types of products but none have worked. all products have tried for 2-4 weeks. acne is mostly concentrate…
- Anonymous
Doxycycline consumer
3 years
hi, im 22y/o. few days ago i have check up on my skin condition. my doc gave me doxycycline for 3 months (90 tablets). after 2weeks my acne keep coming. normal? is that okay to consume doxycycli…
- Anonymous
Hormonal acne in chin and jaw area
3 years
I am women 29 years old… Been having this hormonal acne few years back. What is the best medicine for hormonal acne?
- Anonymous
Acne problem, pimples spread
3 years
hi im a woman in 23 years skin type is oily and very sensitive. after working i have to wear facemask. acne start spread in area facemask. day by day its getting worse. can i consume anti…
- Anonymous
Acne keep coming at the same spot. is it infection ? is it normal ? for girls age around 20’s
3 years
Why does acne keep coming back in the same spot? when the acne already almost heal , its coming back . its become cystic acne . and the process to heal slow. and suddenly got new pimple aroun…
- Anonymous
Acne and tiny acne problems: im interested to try the doxycycline tablet but im not sure which one i should go for. Do you can suggest me? Im 18 above so how much gram can i take?
3 years
Hi there. Im a woman and im 21. Its been a year i have acne and tiny acne problem continues on my face. Its been more than a year. But I haven’t try doxycycline tablet yet. Its suggest by one of…
- Anonymous
Fungal acne all over my body ( under arms, breasts, thighs, stomach area )
3 years
Ive been having the fungal for quite some time. The scars are still there. Any creams that I can use to remove the scars?
- Anonymous
Cystic Acne with Scarring
3 years
Hi, I’m a 26 year old women, with cystic acne and bad acne scarring. Can I use topicil solution? If yes, do I apply moisturiser after using topicil? My skin was okay before,and I am frustrated d…
- Anonymous
I need healthy skin
3 years
I’m having pimples on my skin… I used some products but pimples still there any suggestion for taking supplement?
- Anonymous
Minimize acne breakout and strengthen overall health
4 years
I was told that probiotics also help in minimizing acne breakout. May I inquire what kind of probiotic supplement should be taken to help prevent acne breakout? Also to help strengthen digestive…
- Anonymous
Skin purging vs breakout
4 years
im 26 years old (female) l,l have started a new skin care routine that contain salicylic acid in the cleanser and bha in the spot treatment gel. i used the cleanser everyday but rarely used the …
- Anonymous
Skin purging or breakout
4 years
im 26 years old (female) and have started a new skin care routine that contain salicylic acid in the cleanser and bha in the spot treatment gel. i used the cleanser everyday but rarely used the …
- Anonymous
Doxycycline intake for acne
4 years
Hi I wanted to know what’s the shortest time I could take doxycycline for my acne treatment. My acnes are mainly in my chin and both cheeks area. Theyre all very red and big.
- Anonymous
Body acne on my back and thighs
4 years
I am 32 woman and i notice i have a lot body acne on my back n now it spread at the back of my thigh… Those are not small pimple but big acne. Is there any medication to clear it out or any body…
- Anonymous
Pimple on my face pls help
4 years
Hi I have pimple in my face for past 1 half year but this year I changed my life style like stop oily food and sleep early and taking vitamins c and why my pimple becoming small and won’t go awa…
- Anonymous
Is diane-35 sell at any pharmacy such as PMG in Malaysia?
4 years
acne problem since 2017 till now. i’m scared if my hormone is unbalance. i would like to take DIANE-35 to balancing my hormone.
- Anonymous
Tretinoin for acne marks
4 years
Hi I have combination skin and recently I started facing acne issues. It left marks and my skin tone seems uneven. I have tried the ordinary retinol 1% in squalane for months and now I would lik…
- Anonymous
Breakout on face - when to see a dermatologist
4 years
Hi i’m a woman in late 20… Recently i have breakout on my face… Just want to ask when can i see a dermatologist as in what condition can i see? Right now i using nixoderm, aiken green toner & al…
- Anonymous
Pimple on my nose please help me
4 years
Hi there I just want to ask you how to get rid of small pimple on my nose and there’s a pimple on my face for a long time I not sure how to get rid
- Anonymous
Acne or maskne on my skin
4 years
I was having maskne problem few months ago. And it became worse. I took 2 weeks of antibiotic as advised by doctor on call but it did not helps a lot. Is there any stronger antibiotic?
- Anonymous
Acne & Pimple Skin Problem
4 years
Hi doctors! Can Dermal SA ointment be used to treat acne effectively?tq
- Anonymous
All ok just pimples on face
4 years
I am 29 years old , and I have just little pimples on face only
- Anonymous
Upha Spiro 25mg for acne
4 years
Can Upha Spiro 25mg be used to treat acne effectively? Whats the reccomended dosage?
- Anonymous
I am Atiqur Rahman. I am 26 years old
4 years
I am Atiqur Rahman. I am 26 years old. I have a lot of problems like acne on my face which hurts a lot and then melts away. What can I do for it? What medicine should I take? Please let me know! …
- Anonymous
Have acne problem over my cheeks
4 years
Hi I’m 20yo lately I’ve acne over on my cheeks. My assumption was I using the wrong product but even after I stop use it I still have new pimple even after I use T3 mycin. So doctor can u prescr…
- Anonymous
Tidact gel. Severe acne
4 years
Hi! Do you do International delivery like I’m in the Philippines? If you do how much. Can’t find this product in my country. And what is the mode of payment. I have acne and I tried this product…
- Anonymous