Explore Pregnancyrelated questions
Caesarean for third time
2 years
Hi doctor. This is my third pregnancy and will be my third caesarean. May I know the suitable time (week) for this procedure? Is 38 week is too late?
- Anonymous
Pregnancy after 1 week period
2 years
I want to know If just done period 1 week and having intercourse but no ejaculation and precum does that can make a pregnant?
- Anonymous
Chances of Pregnancy
3 years
Me (20/F) and my boyfriend (20/M) were dry humping in only our underwear on day 9 and 10 (5th and 6th of March) of my cycle. Afterwards, I found that he had a wet spot from pre cum on his underw…
- Anonymous
Lungs infection and pregnancy
3 years
Hi doc, saya berumur 29 tahun dan di diagnose sbg left main bronchus stenosis due to post TB. skrg saya masih kerap on off demam dan mngeluarkan kahak kuning, dimana saya rasa infection dalam pa…
- Anonymous
Possibility of pregnancy if cum on outside area of vagina
3 years
I just had ringan ringan sex with my bestfriends, and I didnt cum inside her. But I cum on the outside area of the vagina. So my concern here is, are there any possibility for her to get pregnan…
- Anonymous
Miscarriage symptoms for early week of pregnancy
3 years
My concers are what are the misscarriage symtomps for early week of pregnancy (ariund 1/2 weeks) and how long does it lasts? How does it differs from period. I am 28 years old, just married 1 m…
- Anonymous
Vaginal Discharge and Pregnancy
3 years
Hi I am 21 years old my first-day of last period is 5/12 finished in 8/12 .I had unprotected sex on 14 and then ate escapelle pill around 4 :30 pm smtg. After that around 9:30 pm later I vommite…
- Anonymous
What to do with unwanted pregnancy
3 years
I am a in my 20s, i want to ask if my last period was 2 months before i had my first sex, am i likely to get pregnant? if yes, what should i do to avoid unwanted pregnancy?
- Anonymous
Is it safe to use PAPAYA SOAP during pregnancy?
3 years
PAPAYA SOAP is known to have a lot benefits for skin. So, i was wondering whether it safe to use during pregnancy or not.
- Anonymous
No period after taking 5days of Duphaston
3 years
Hi doctor, i just gave birth 2 months ago, and my gyane prescribed me Duphaston to be taken for 5 days straight to induce menses. However, it has been 11 days post Duphaston and still no menses…
- Anonymous
Pregnancy problem please I need help
3 years
Please I need help I had sex on the 27th 28th of march and 1th of April with a guy and on 31th of march with other guy who is the father ultrasound says I was 4-5weeks on April 21th
- Anonymous
Pregnancy and effectiveness of postinor 2
3 years
Hello Doctor. If a girl was having intercourse 3-4 days before ovulation, and consume Postinor-2 right after the coitus, it is said P-2 would delay her ovulation. Which could prevent her from pr…
- Anonymous
Does lubricant affect the quality of sperms and birth defect
3 years
Hi, i just read an article online on the effect of lubricant to pregnancy. I am trying to conceive and we did use the ky jelly as lubricant. Will it affect the pregnany?
- Anonymous
Pregnancy after finger was exposed with sperm
3 years
After ejaculation, my hand was covered a lil bit of sperm but I wash my hand with water and wipe it with towel. But after that I insert my finger into my partner vagina, can she be pregnant?
- Anonymous
Fingering pregnancy cases
3 years
Is there any cases of couple pregnant cause of fingering ?
- Anonymous
Barren can get pregnant
3 years
Hi doctor. I just want to know. Is it impossible that someone who’s identified barren to get pregnant?
- Anonymous
Darah berpantang keguguran kandungan 17minggu 6hari
3 years
saya berusia 18tahun, tetapi baru baru ini saya telah keguguran dan kandungan berusia 17 minggu 6 hari . saya telah berpantang dan hari ini adalah hari ke 6 saya berpantang . darah yg keluar seb…
- Anonymous
Keguguran kandungan 5minggu
3 years
kandungan saya 5minggu dan saya mengalami keguguran perlukah saya berpantang ? sebab sekarang sya sedang bkerja .
- Anonymous
Sex during the safe period and get vaccinated four days later, is there a high probability of pregnancy?
3 years
sex during the safe period and get vaccinated four days later, is there a high probability of pregnancy?
- Anonymous
Sakit bahagian punggung
3 years
saya mengandung 9 minggu. skrg mengalami sakit dibahagian punggung. berjalan,tunduk, duduk pun rasa sakit. sudah seminggu rasa sakit. adakah normal atau perlu dapatkan rawatan?
- Anonymous
Faint line pregnancy test
3 years
Test pregnancy shows faint line Scan shows corpus luteum around 2.6cm It’s mean pregnancy Dr?
- Anonymous
Result upt 1st +ve, 2nd -ve
3 years
Saya dah berkahwin dua bulan. Cek upt kali pertama nampak dua line… Kali kedua saya cek selang dua hari, negatif resultnye… Malam tadi saya ada bersama suami. Adakah bila bersama suami mempengar…
- Anonymous
Upt kali kedua negatif
3 years
Saya dah berkahwin lebih kurang dua bulan. Bulan kedua saya terlambat period selama 10 hari. Dua hari lepas saya dah cek upt, ada dua line. Line kedua tu mmg kabur sgt2… Line kedua tu dpt tgok …
- Anonymous
Pregnant for 22weeks, but no sign of baby movement
3 years
I an 39yo mother, with 5kids n now pregnant my 6th baby.
- Anonymous
Turun darah 2hari,upt kabur
3 years
Saya turun darah,saya ingat saya uzur tapi darah hanya 2 hari,ble sy test upt,kabur dan sy repeat pom still kabur,adakah saya prrgnant atau sekadar hormon
- Anonymous
Preeclampsia in pregnancy
3 years
Im on my 34 weeks of pregnant, I started having some bubbles in my urine and swelling at my hand every morning starting from last week. Is it a symtop of preclampsia? I do not have high blood pr…
- Anonymous
Side effects after Ectopic Pregnancy
3 years
Saya mengalami ectopic pregnancy pd tahun 2019, right tube suda dibuang. Sejak berapa bulan ini sy merasa seperti ada benjolan pd bawah tulang rusuk kanan sy. Cuma sy tidak merasa sebarang kesak…
- Anonymous
Inqueries regards my pregnancy
3 years
hello goodday dr, im a mother age 26. my lmp was 20/3/21. its irregular menses. i started noticed my period was late more than a month . it is + when i did upt at home. when i chck pregncny circ…
- Anonymous
Silent/Missed Miscarriage
3 years
Once the scan showed no heartbeat & the growth have stops several weeks before, but no indication of miscarriage, shall we wait for miscarriage happen naturally or proceed with procedures?
- Anonymous
Thalassemia couple looking to have baby
3 years
Hi doctors, I am a woman aged 26 with alpha thalassemia carrier (female) and my partner is beta thalassemia carrier (male). In this case, we would need to advise whether should we proceed to ha…
- Anonymous