Explore Dermatologyrelated questions
Red dots on top of left foot, what is it?
2 years
I’m a female, 35 years old. Last 2 days I noticed bright red dots with slight pointiness on top of my left foot. I’m a bit concerned if I need to do anything about it. Today when I looked at it,…
- Anonymous
Are there any recommended disinfectants that don’t cause too much irritation to the skin and kid?
2 years
Are there any recommended disinfectants that don’t cause too much irritation to the skin and kid? Other pharmacists have recommended Against 24 Disinfectant , Asylea, Germisep, and dfenze, but i…
- Anonymous
A lump in right arm vein
2 years
My father (51 Male) experience cramp like pain in his right arm a few weeks back. This pain was only there when he stretched his arm. Now there is no pain but there is a lump in his arm. It’s ha…
- Anonymous
A patch of blisters at near corner of the mouth is caused by viral infections?
2 years
I am a women in my 20’s. 3 days ago, I felt an intense itchiness and redness near the corner of my mouth. Tried to recall and the only contact is my hand did scratched the area unknowingly once …
- Anonymous
Meds or drugs recommendation for water blisters allergic reaction
3 years
Hi hello, im a 21 year’s old female student. Im not sure since when my body developed allergic to chicken, I’ll get water blisters if i keep eating them. It’s really annoying so that i popped th…
- Anonymous
Existing mole pain when pressing
3 years
- From black to red grow bigger in round shape pain when press or wearing linger
- Anonymous
Itchiness with red spots all over the body
3 years
Hi, it’s about my mother who is 39 years old, she has been facing itchiness all over her body with red spots that bleeds occasionally for more than 2 weeks now. My mother even went to a pharmacy…
- Anonymous
Very bad acne breakout
3 years
I am 41 years old and suddenly have acne breakout. A very bad one! Acne and pimples are so big keep on coming out. What should i do? Can u recommend Dr for me to consult online? I was given pres…
- Anonymous
I had nodules on my chest and 3 on my back
3 years
i am 18 years old male and had it for like 5-6 years it doesnt hurt but will get irritating when rubbing or pressed on something …can i remove it.if can how much does it usually cost to get it remove …
- 96movement03
Hyperpigmentation skin problem
3 years
I am woman 26 y/o, my face have a phyperpigmentation problem. Please help me what should I do, it so obvious, I feel not confident with myself
- Anonymous
Having painful adult acne scars n pigmentation
3 years
Im a 24 year old…still suffering from acne…clogged pores…sunburn acne scars…i quit all my skin care products…cuz ntg work on my skin.its annoying to go to work…with all this huge bumps…any simp…
- Anonymous
3 years
Hi i am 25 yrs old but i have dark neck, dark knees, dark circles, darkness around my lips. I can see darkness on my forehead…I believe that these are high melanin production or toxins. Is this …
- Anonymous
Severe congestion on both cheeks and inflamed acne
3 years
I am a 18 years old who’s facing acne problems on my cheeks. Heavy congestion inflammation and few types of severe acne. I have tried every method except accutane. I also have G6pd that I wonde…
- Anonymous
Serious acne problem oily and sensitive skin any medicine recommend?
3 years
Acne problem oily and sensitive skin any medicine recommend try before doxycycline but not very good to body any medication without side effect can I take
- Anonymous
Acne treatment (benzoyl peroxide)
3 years
usually i had use benzoyl peroxide to treat my acne and my comedonal acne and also the tiny bumps , is it safe to put benzoyl peroxide on tiny bumps or acne ? By the way , i had watched a dermat…
- Anonymous
My cheeks grew small seeds like pimples and whiteheads
3 years
My cheeks grew small seeds like pimples and whiteheads
- Anonymous
Itching red rashes appeared on my hands, legs and other parts of body. This is sudden as it appeared many on my parts of body and it is small in size
3 years
Hi, I want to ask why my skin appeared red rashes about 3 days ago. The size is small like pimples and it appeared on my leg, hands and other parts of body. Is it because of alergy on soup or de…
- Anonymous
Itchy when force are applied on my skin
3 years
Hi doc… Im a lady in my late 20’s. I have allergy to latex and chlorine. Lately I realized that my body become so itchy when a force is applied to it. For example, my arm become so itchy with b…
- Anonymous
In grown hair bumps swelling
3 years
Hi doctors… Anyone can help ease the pain of my in grown hair bumps’or pimple-like that currently swelling n really painful… Went to pharmacy 2days back been prescribed miconazole… But still, t…
- Anonymous
Lips dry, peeling, cracks that feel wet, more than a month
3 years
My lips have been peeling and there is always skin on them for more than a month. I’ve tried lip balm but it never works and I wake up to skin all over my lips. I have also tried Keno and Dyna o…
- Anonymous
A tiny red spot on a finger
3 years
Hi i have a tiny red spot on my finger. A spot. Pinprick sized. Like blood. Under skin. Flat, no bump. Not itchy. I thought I’ve got injured. Just noticed it is still there even after weeks.
- Anonymous
A black mole become scabby
3 years
A mole become scabby, is it a normal Physiological phenomena?
- Anonymous
Hair loss in young women
3 years
I’m a woman in my 20s and noticed hair loss around the mid section of my scalp. What are the commonly prescribed methods to tackle hair loss in women who may have hormonal imbalance?
- Anonymous
Teenager losing hair
3 years
My daughter is 11years old. Suddenly she is losing patches of hair front of her head. The scalp have red patches and bumps. She said its also itchy. How do I know if its this scalp psiorisis or …
- Anonymous
Hi doctor, can I use tidact gel with niacinamide?
3 years
I’m a woman in my 20s.My face suddenly breakouts.
- Anonymous
Eczema, skin problem
3 years
hi doctor. i have an eczema problem since i was kid. i have try many medicine, injection and others. but still not recovered. maybe this problem because of genetic, my mothers have this problem …
- Anonymous
Peeling skin after period
3 years
Hye. Lepas period kulit kita akan menggelupas the whole face ke? Is it a joke or a normal situation? I found a video where they stated that every month after period they need to peel of their sk…
- Anonymous
My hand was scalded by boiling water, now it hurts
3 years
My hand was scalded by boiling water and it hurts now. The surface of my hand is very red, but there is no broken skin, no blisters, just pain. Because I’ve been putting ice on my hands before
- Anonymous
Dry scalp and hair problem
3 years
recently I having dry scalp due to hot water shower. I would like to explain my condition… First my hair turn dry brittle and breakage during my shower time that time I didn’t know this was beca…
- Anonymous
Suspect scabbies and i get more rashes and red bumb after using benzoyl benzoate
3 years
hi i already go to doctor, but the doctor not sure if i have scabbies or not, but the symptoms are likely scabbies.long story short, i got benzyl benzoate for treatment but i get more red bump,…
- Anonymous