Explore Asthmarelated questions
Asthma semasa hamil.saya merupakan pesakit asthma selma 25 years.umur saya 34 thaun sekarang,dan saya hamil anak pertama,7 minggu
3 years
Hari ini dan semalam,saya kuat semput,perlu mengambil ubat ventolin inhaler setiap 4 jam. Adakah ubat ventolin inhaler selamat untuk bayi saya?adakah bayi saya akan kekurangan oxygen jika saya…
- Anonymous
Selalu melakukan ujian xray
3 years
Saya seorng remaja 15 tahun yang mempunyai asma every year mesti asma akan jadi kadnag every 3 bulan…and then doctor suruh xray…adakah xray itu bahaya untuk saya?
- Anonymous
Is it possible to get asthma when you are adult
5 years
Is it possible to get asthma when you are adult?
- tasneem
Asthma attack every night
3 years
I am 22 years old women. I have history having asthma since small. I am ex covid (stage 2). I have done my 2 weeks quarantine and complete my second dose of vaccine. I never experience asthma at…
- Anonymous
Astma/ short of breath
3 years
HI, I am a man 39 years old , I have astma record before and My family member covid postive 1 week before,I also do test Negative, but start yesterday go short of breath, is that need do swab te…
- Anonymous
For asthma and migraine
4 years
I am 62 years old and having been taking this medicines in the past when ever needed.
- Anonymous
Runny nose and itching nose & eyes
4 years
Dear Dr. I’m 23 years old.I’ve asthma and alergic problem from my childhood. Now,asthma almost under control but every night and morning i got runny nose and itching my nose and eyes. I used to…
- Anonymous
Asthma with coughing
4 years
I am 41 Years old with Asthma using seroflo, can I take seretide with same dose 50/100? As seroflo is not available in India. So is it safe to switch seretide 50/100 bacause seroflo is not avaia…
- Anonymous
Sharp Pain in the chest especially when breathing deeply. It happens constantly start since about three days ago. May i know what can i do about, plaese
4 years
My friend is a 40 y.o male, have asthma and have been taking ventolin daily. He is experiencing sharp pain in the middle of the chest when he breathes. It is especially when he is inhaling and …
- Anonymous
Asthmatic dry cough at night
5 years
Im an asthmatic person (allergic to ventolin) which having dry cough especially at night. While im in kl i was given bencodyl but sadly in my hometown (kuching) i cant find bencodyl. May i know any ot…
- ida.khiew01
Allergic towards steroid
5 years
Hi, i am a 31 female with acute asthmatic problem and recently i just get to know i was allergic towards prednisolone due to anaphylaxis shock after taking the medicines. Can i know what should …
- Anonymous
Is is true that asthma will get worsen in cold weather
5 years
Is is true that asthma will get worsen in cold weather?
- harlina
What should I do when my asthma not relieved by inhaler anymore
5 years
What should I do when my asthma not relieved by inhaler anymore?
- khadeejah
I have asthma problem
5 years
I have asthma problem .i have problem in wheezing hard breath sneezing This problem face only in april when wheat is harvested
- omardeen