Explore Tonsilsrelated questions
Only fever at night/get cold, headache, sore throat with white spot
3 years
Girl, 24 years old, suddenly get fever and recover the next day wake up, and repeat the few days and sore throat on the 2nd day and realize there is some white spot in the throat.
- Anonymous
Terdapat biji kecil pada belakang gigi geraham bongsu
4 years
Hi , i am 17 years old . Today , I found a tiny bump on my retromolar trigone and my wisdom tooth is growing . Besides, last week my right tonsil hurt when I swallowed. But today the hurt tonsi…
- Anonymous
Antibiotics before tonsillectomy
4 years
I am going to have a tonsillectomy next Thursday. Today I went to my doctor’s office for a pre-op appointment and he prescribed me antibiotics because I had tonsillitis 3 times in a row in the l…
- Anonymous
Stuffy nose, diarrhea, tonsillitis
4 years
Hi, I’m 24year old (male). On 16/3/2020, my colleague cough beside me and both of us didnt wear mask. After few days, I feel my nose blocked and my throat didnt feel well. Eg: The nose always b…
- Anonymous
It’s day 6 i had tonsilitis. Had swelling on left adenoid tonsils
5 years
Hi doctor. It’s day 6 i had tonsilitis. Had swelling on left adenoid tonsils. Now got better, can swallow. Pain has reduced from moderate to very mild. However on my left ear hearing is slightly buzzy…
- kamal
I am sick (37.5-38),cough, swollen tonsils(red but hardly see white spot), headache, runny nose
5 years
I am sick (37.5-38),cough, swollen tonsils(red but hardly see white spot), headache, runny nose 3 week ago and now I have been better but my tonsils is still red swollen and have little white spot and…
- nurulain