Explore Arthritisrelated questions
Sharp pain on nail beds
4 years
Hello doctor, I’m 21/F. For the past few months I’ve been experiencing a very sharp, poking + throbbing pain on the nail beds of my middle finger and ring finger, sometimes happens on the index …
- Anonymous
Foot pain and swollen
4 years
Im female 30th this year,but facing many health issues and can see the changes on my body. Lately from 1 month ago my heel bones are swollen on both legs. Walk or standing giving pain,even try t…
- Anonymous
Finger joints pain these past 2 weeks
4 years
I’m 45 and my fingers on each hand (except the thumb) is feeling numb and pain these past 2 weeks especially in the morning. I also got the trigger finger - only at the middle finger for now and…
- Anonymous
My father has been complaining of joint pain
5 years
Doctor, my father has been complaining of joint pain and difficulties with his movements. Could this possibly due to arthritis? What is the treatment?
- danieltang