4 years
Possible Genital Herpes
I’m a man in the mids of 20s and I think I might have genital herpes. My sex life is a bit active but I recently got married and I started to notice blisters, usually in multiple dots on my genital. I didn’t do anything about it, just takes care of the wound properly and usually it would go away completely. I know if it is herpes, then there is no cure yet. May I know what are your recommendations in medication such as creams or pills to help aid the healing and suppress the outbreaks? Thank you so much! Appreciate your help!

4 years
Hi and thank you for asking us
Through the question and statement you gave on the above section, i completely understand your concern over this matter. Before giving any recommendations, I advise you to get examined first as it might be genital herpes or other causes such as:
- Genital warts
- Chancroid
- Syphillis
- Granuloma inguinale
- Lymphogranuloma venerum
If it is genital herpes, it is better to get confirmation by getting a blood test before getting treatment. Therefore, we greatly suggest that you refer this to your nearest medical doctor.
Be free of sexually transmitted disease and lead a happy life. Get specialist advice today.
If you have any more enquiries, you can click on the link (DoctorOnCall) and speak to our doctors in private and get the consultation you need on the phone. Thank you.