4 years
Severely underweight & how to gain weight?
Hi Doc,
I’m 27, female and my body is severely underweight; height - 165cm, weight - 37kg (never reach 40kg throughout all these years). However for the past 4 years, I’d consider my body to be in a good condition(?) because I do not need any MC. Just slight fever and that’s it. My period cycle is normal too.
I am seriously planning to gain weight by next year (at least reach the 40kg mark), may I know to whom should I refer to? Is it nutritionists or dietitian? Or do you have any other sources that perhaps might be helpful to me?
Thank you!

4 years
Hi and thank you for asking us
Through the question and statement you gave on the above section, i completely understand your concern over this matter. For your information, underweight can be caused by several factors such as:
- Genetics (heredity)
- High metabolism
- Digestive problems (such as Coeliac disease)
- Insulin problems (such as type 1 diabetes)
- Stress / emotional stress
- Thyroid disease (hyper-thyroid)
- parasitic infections
I suggest to get a medical check-up first to see if you have any underlying illness that might cause this problem. The difference between dietitian and nutritionist is that, dietitian works with healthy and sick people and treat medical conditions with nutrition therapy while nutritionist works with healthy people only and lack the expertise in medical nutrition therapy.
Boost your immune system with a balanced diet and good nutrition.
Therefore, we greatly suggest that you refer this to your nearest medical doctor. If you have any more enquiries, you can click on the link (DoctorOnCall) and speak to our doctors in private and get the consultation you need on the phone. Thank you.