4 years
Chronic Upper Back Pain
Hi I am a male, 26 years old. I suffered for chronic Upper Back Pain for a year I’ve consulted few doctors and it didn’t get any better. I need advices from doctor like who should I go to in order to fix my pain?
Also I wanna to ask if upper back pain would affect eyesight and other problems such as get eyes get tired easily, shortness of breath when the pain acting up, weakness in facial and arm muscles, and fatigue?

4 years
Greetings. Thank you for your questions.
First and foremost, we truly understand your concerns regarding your symptoms and other health problems you might be facing. Regarding the description of your condition, the symptoms and signs that you stated are too vague. There are several questions that we need to enquire from you to explore different possibilities and making conclusions regarding your complaints. From your complaints, the pain could arise from the muscle, skin, nerve or joints of that area.
The following answers regarding your current queries are just general descriptions. In order to received treatment to your problem, the plausible cause needs to be recognized before treatment can be given. In order for us to provide you with an accurate diagnosis, we need additional details to explore further into your current complaints. Therefore, we greatly suggest that you refer this to your nearest medical doctor.
You can try go visit a physiotherapist or an orthopedic specialist are people who are able to identify the cause of your problem.
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If you have any more enquiries, you can click on the link (DoctorOnCall) and speak to our doctors in private and get the consultation you need on the phone. Thank you.
Worry no more about your back pain by contacting our Orthopaedics specialist here!