
4 years

Back, Shoulder, and Waist Pain

Hi. I am 35 years old. For the past 2 years, I have often experienced back pain where the pain is more concentrated in the neck, shoulders, shoulders and waist. Lately, I have started to feel pain in my toes and hands. To the Doctor’s knowledge, I like to make my fingers, neck, waist sound like squirming or even tell my sister to step on my body. Lately, the pain has become more and more frequent until I need to apply hot oil or use panaflex to relieve the pain and make it easier for me to sleep. Plate pain, shoulder sert in hands and feet most noticeable. Please help explain from the Doctor about this. Thank you.

Dr Ramzdhan,

4 years

Good morning and thank you for contacting us

We truly understand your concern with regard to your current condition. However our views would only reflect based on the linear description that you have brought forth into the forum.

From your complaints, we believe that your condition may have multifactorial causes such as:

  • Pressure on the nerves
  • Inflammation of the nerves
  • Neuropathy
  • Nerve injury
  • Muscle or ligament strain
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis

Still have back pain? Get all the strength you need for your daily activities

or even related to our daily routine:

  • Cumulated work fatigue
  • Upper extremities exhaustion
  • Use of certain medications
  • Use of toxic substances like alcohol

or due to a more serius condition such as:

  • Reduced blood supply
  • Diabetes
  • Hypotiroidism
  • Multiple sclerosis

Do immediately go to the neaby clinic or hospital if you experience the following:

  • The pain becomes more frequent or increased in duration
  • Experience acute burning sensation or unabated pain
  • The pain have migrated/radiated elsewhere
  • The pain interferes with your daily routine or work

For now I do suggest you to:

  • Continue your daily life as normal
  • Schedule a 5 to15 minutes break every few hours of working
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration
  • Don’t skip meals to avoid hyperglycemia (read: eat healthy)
  • Exercise regularly but don’t forget to warm up
  • You may also take neurological supplements (i.e. fish oil & vit B)

To know further with regards to your condition, or to be able to decide on which therapy best suited for your condition, additional assessment must be done. With that being said we encourage you to consult with the nearest clinic or hospital in your area. In addition you can also talk directly to our doctors by using this link. (DoctorOnCall) Thank you.

Worry no more about your back pain by contacting our Orthopaedics specialist here!


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