4 years
Crumbly light yellow vaginal discharge
Hi. I am 22 yrs old female. It’s been almost a week I’m having weird vaginal discharge. I can feel the discharge and when check… There will be a light yellow patch on my panty liner. If I insert my finger to check… My finger will be covered with crumbly yellow thingy… I’m afraid if this is a sign of STD or STI. It’s making me feel really uncomfortable. And since yesterday night, I’m having lower tummy pain and my feet hurts as well. I’m confused.

4 years
Thank you for your questions. The following answers regarding your current queries are just general descriptions due to the limited information provided by you.
We truly understand your concerns regarding the yellowish vaginal discharge that is accompanied by a lower abdominal pain and also the pain affecting your feet.
Based on our knowledge, STD or STI may be the cause of your symptoms but more information and details are required to confirm the diagnosis regarding your condition. Hence, we suggest you to meet with your nearest doctor to undergo further investigations and history taking in order to get the correct answers.
There are few causes/diseases that can cause the complaint you are having, for example:
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - usually with a foul smelling discharge
- a urinary tract infection (UTI) - painful urination
- Any bacterial infection
- Cervicitis or Vaginitis
- Vulvovagintis
- Chlamydia or Gonorrhea infection
- Syphilis
If you are suspected with STD, one should experience the following symptoms:
- Sores or bumps on the genitals or in the oral or rectal area
- Painful or burning urination
- Unusual vaginal bleeding
- Pain during sex
- Sore, swollen lymph nodes, particularly in the groin but sometimes more widespread
- Lower abdominal pain
- Fever
- Rash over the trunk, hands or feet
For more information, you may click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctors online. We assure you that our conversations are kept in confidentiality unless additional consultation needed with other medical parties. Thank you.