
3 years

Headache right side and a little pain at right eye

Hi l am girl 14 years old . I start having it since 3 years ago . At first i though that only a regular headache but after a few month i start have pain at my right eye . Have one day i comeback from holiday , after i put my head on pillow i feel very headache and pain at my right eye . So after a few minute it slowly gone . And i no have it every day only went my body temperature high , tired and other. I hope you can read my problem

Dr Ramzdhan,

3 years

Hello and thank you for using our service.

I understand that you have been experiencing symptoms of headache and pain in the right eye. I will try to assist you with this matter.

For your information, the problems you are facing might be due to several causes such as eyestrain due to uncorrected eye vision or migraine

Or it can be caused by serious issues such as cluster or tension headaches, glaucoma or giant cell arteritis.

You are advised to consult with our doctor via teleconsultation to assess your condition and provide you with further advice.

We hope this answers your question.

Have a nice day, thank you.

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