3 years
Frequent headache and migraine
I am a woman age 37 y/o, with severe migraine issues since few years ago. I will have headache if I missed caffeine intake or when its too hot or too cold. Now that I have a baby (my fifth child age 7 months), I am afraid to take any pain killer since I am still fully breastfeed. What will be the best way to help with this migraine issues I am facing? Safe medication? Remedies? Or should I consult specialist for further details.

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello and good evening
Thank you for your question.
Based on your question, I understand that you are worry about your problem. I will try to help you.
For your information, there many factors that can cause migraine. They are:
- Foods
- Environment
- Effects of some medications
- Caffeine
- Psychology
To reduce your symptom, you can try to:
- Put a hot or cold pad at your head
- Avoid the factors that can cause the migraine
- Take some pain killer
Therefore, I advise you to refer to a doctor for a proper treatment. You can also have an online consultation with our doctors for more information and further treatments.
I hope this answer will help you. Thank you.
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