11 months
How do Dengvaxia and Qdenga dengue vaccine work?
I know that Dengvaxia and Qdenga are dengue vaccines, but do they work differently? Which one should i choose?

10 months
Hi, good morning and thank you for your question.
It is important to first note that both Dengvaxia and Qdenga have the same function, which is to prevent the infection of the dengue virus into our bodies.
Dengue Tetravalent Vaccine (Live, Attenuated) stimulates the body’s natural defences (immune system). This helps to protect against the viruses that cause dengue if the body is exposed to these viruses in the future. Even so, only Qdenga is approved in Malaysia.
For any further enquiries or questions about the operations of dengue vaccine, consult a doctor for more information.
Click Here to Book your Dengue Vaccine Today!