
3 years

Itching red rashes appeared on my hands, legs and other parts of body. This is sudden as it appeared many on my parts of body and it is small in size

Hi, I want to ask why my skin appeared red rashes about 3 days ago. The size is small like pimples and it appeared on my leg, hands and other parts of body. Is it because of alergy on soup or detergent or insect or other factors? I dont use any type of lotion except body Wash and detergent. So can you help me to give opinion and what type of cream or medicine should I take?

Hi and thank you for your question.

According to your statement, you are requesting to buy a medicine that could relieve the itchiness that has been going on for several days. We will try to help you.

For your information, istching of the hand and skin can be triggered by various causes such as

  • insect bites
  • allergic reactions

However, it could also be caused by a specific condition that requires further therapy and prescription by a doctor such as

  • eczema
  • psoriasis
  • bacterial or fungal infections

You are encouraged to talk to a doctor online so that we could assist you further and help you refer to a dermatologist if necessary.

We hope you will be satisfied with our answer.

Click here to talk to a doctor.
Click here to talk to a Dermatologist.


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