3 years
Peeling skin after period
Hye. Lepas period kulit kita akan menggelupas the whole face ke? Is it a joke or a normal situation? I found a video where they stated that every month after period they need to peel of their skin. Macam bersalin kulit kata orang. Which situation is normal actually? A woman with a need to peel of their skin after period or a woman who never in a situation to peel of their skin ?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello, thank you for reaching out to us.
We understand the problem you are currently experiencing. Based on your statement, there are several reasons that can cause a skin to peel, such as:
- Chemical reaction on skin
- Dry skin
- Skin infection
- Autoimmune disease such as psoriasis
- Genetic skin disorder
- Allergy
Get that perfect skin with the right skin care.
Get a Dermatologist to help you with your skin’s condition !
The video circulating in the internet regarding the need to peel the skin during or after menstruation is a hoax. Skin function as a protective barrier from outside pathogen or germs. Therefore, peeling the skin without any cause makes the skin thinner and loss its protective function.
If you have further questions, please contact us at (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctor in person. Thank you.