4 years
Please advise on ANA positive
Hi DoctorI was tested ANA positive with 1.320 titer nucleolar pattern. However, anti dsdna and ena panel came back negative. I also have an elevated esr of 34 . Recently, I have been treated with antibiotics for h pylori infection after upper and lower endoscopy. Doctor told me nothing to worry about but I’m really worried that I may have an autoimmune disease due to fatigue, acid reflux and sensitivity to light. please advise. thank you

4 years
Thank you for your question!
Based on your description, we totally understand that you are worried with the symptoms that you have that are fatigue, acid reflux and sensitivity to light.
You have also disclosed your results to us which are ESR greater than 34. The ANA result came back positive and Anti dsDNA and EBA panel are negative.
However, we recommend that you contact with us so as these information that were given are limited. We need further information about your condition to see the bigger picture before we can deduce anything.
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