3 years
Uncomfortable stomach problem
Hi, I’m a 25 years old female with a stomach problem. Through out my life I’ve always been bloated.
I noticed that my stomach always making noise and recently, I have difficulty of drinking water. When I’m trying to drink water from the water bottle, the gas from my stomach travelled through my esophagus, making sound and making me difficult to swallow the water. Sometimes I also feel like there’s a lump on my throat.
I would like to know if my symptom is familiar to any kind of disorder and what can i do about it.

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello and good afternoon.
Thank you for your question.
Based on your question, I understand that you are worried about your situation. I will try to help you.
Bloating occurs in your abdomen (stomach). It happens when your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is filled with air or gas. The GI tract runs from the mouth to the anus (bottom). It includes your entire digestive system.Common symptoms of bloating include stomach pain,discomfort,and gas.You may experience burp or belch frequently or have abdominal rumbling or gurgling.
So,what causes bloating?
- Swallowing air (this can happen when you chew gum, smoke, or eat too fast)
- Constipation.
- Overeating.
- Reflux (GERD)
- Weight gain.
- Menstruation (in some women)
Besides that,I would also advise you to do a thyroid function test to rule out any thyroid related problems.
Always remember that a healthy lifestyle is a good way of keeping you robust.Changes and adaptation needs to be done through your eating routine and lifestyle. These includes:
- raise your head position while you sleep
- reduce caffeinated and carbonated drinks
- reduce spicy foods
- divide food in small and large quantities (> 3 times a day)
- avoid eating before going to bed (at least 3 hours)
Therefore I highly recommend you speak to your doctor regarding your situation to provide you with the safest and best route of care to manage your condition as a whole, taking into account the various factors mentioned above and more. You can contact our doctor online for further information and treatment.
I hope this answer helps you. Thank you.
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