3 years
Black with white stripes mosquito bite
I am a 21 years old women, a few days back when i’m heading home in the bus, i was suddenly aware that a mosquito about to bite me. The mosquito is black with white stripes. I managed to flick it just in time. I looked around my arms and there was a mosquito bite and it was not at all itchy. The red bump disappeared in just 2 hours. My question is what is the percentage of getting dengue fever when get bitten by black with white stripes mosquito although i am not sure whether it was that mosquito bitten me or not. Is there any chance our anibody can eliminate the virus on its own.

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Thank you for choosing us to get an opinion regarding your health issues.
I will do my best to give you information related to your condition.
For your information, Only the female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes can spread the dengue virus and in fact, these mosquitoes can transfer the infection only when they themselves are infected. Listed below is afew symptoms that you might encounter if you have dengue fever.
Symptoms of Dengue Fever –
DF is a mild state of dengue attack, and its symptoms are something like this –
- Sudden high fever
- Intense headache
- Pain behind the eyes
- Multiple joint and muscle pain
- Severe fatigue
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- After two or five days of fever, skin rashes can be seen
- Mild nose bleeding, gum bleeding, or easy bruising can be observed
To confirm your diagnostics, more tests needs to be done therefore we recommend you to contact our doctors online by clicking the link below.
I hope I was able to answer your questions today.
Thank you
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