3 years
Discomfort in stomach area after forced vomiting
28M, 170cm, Obesity
Hello, first of all I did something bad to my body and I regret it
I was eating something, it’s a rice, a non healthy one and I decide to throw up just a couple mins after I finish eating it, I think its 5mins.
So my stomach is not full at that time, its empty and the food just in, I throw up, and I notice I didnt throw up all, but I was forcing it, cuz I wanna throw it all out, then I give up. But I feel a contraction in my stomach.
But immediately after I throw up, I feel pain on my lower back and my side.
Then, right after, I feel a discomfort in my stoamach, and whenever I eat something, I feel a distention in my body. and I feel better when I belch. So I think I might have bloating. But whenever I eat something. I feel something in my stomach. It’s like the food is slowly move or maybe stuck. I don’t knoww. Can I know what is this and can I fix it? It’'s 4 days already

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello, thank you for your enquiry.
For your information, we are unsure which unhealthy rice you have had consumed, but the act of self stimulated vomiting may be harmful and may cause injury to your esophagus and throat. However, it may be the rice you consumed that causes your symptoms as well.
Other that than, the symptoms of bloating, abdominal discomfort and belching may be causes by other issues, such as:
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Gastritis
- Esophageal diseases
- Gastroesophageal infection such as H.pylori and so on
To treat your condition, we suggest you refer this problem to a doctor for further examinations and investigations to find out the causes for your symptoms. Therefore, a proper management and treatment can be discuss and provided.
For more information, you may contact us for an online consultation for further assistance as well.
Thank you, we hope our answer has been helpful.
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