5 years
Erectile dysfunction - suddenly
Hi, suddenly since almost last 1 month I am not getting erection and neither getting in any mood for sex (not even thinking with anyone). I am only 31 and in happy marriage since 3 years but suddenly this situation is troubling. Please let me know if it is sign for ed or how should I proceed about this for treatment.

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
5 years
Hello, thank you for your question.
The answer is a general description of the problem you’re having. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with us.
Based on the above information, we understand your concern about the problem you’re having. To your knowledge, erectile dysfunction can be caused by many things, such as:
- psychogenic - such as stress, anxiety, problematic relationships
- psychiatry - anxiety disorder, depression
- neurogenic - trauma, diabetes, alcohol
- endocrine - thyroid problems
- arteriogenic - related to blood vessels such as high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol and more
- side effects of drugs such as antihypertensive, antidepressants, and more
For your information, because you are at a young age, this condition is still reversible and highly treatable. Please refer to health professionals regarding the suitability of the medication for your existing health status and to refer this problem further as additional information and examination are required before conclusions and treatment can be provided.
Please click on the link (DoctorOnCall) to contact your doctor or on the link (DoctorOnCallEPharma) to speak with our pharmacist online. We will protect your privacy. Thank you.