4 years
Forget to use evra patch
I am 28yrs old a mom for 2 kids. I am using evra patch. I used it for 3 week, and the 4th week is a patch free week. But now i forget to start using the another 1st patch at the 5th week. Should i just started to use it at the 6th week?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
4 years
Good day! Thank you for contacting us.
We understand your concern regarding your missed contraception. For your information, if you missed your first patch after the patch free week:
- Apply a new patch as soon as possible
- Keep the same patch change day
- Finish the cycle of patches and start a new cycle of patches without a patch-free week
- Consider using additional or backup birth control method, for example 7 days of contraception pills
A good family planning is the secret for a successful and happy family
If you are still confused and have doubts, we suggest you to talk with a doctor for another method of contraception. Alternatively, you may talk to our doctors by contacting us at (DoctorOnCall). Thank you.
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