3 years
Health Issue Regarding Thalassemia Carrier
I have a question regarding thalassemia carrier. I have no health issue related to thalassemia. If my partner in the future is thalassemia carrier, can we proceed our marriage? Does it affect a lot on our (future) child?

3 years
Thank you for choosing us to get an opinion regarding Thalassemia.
Based on your explanations, you want to know about the probability of your child to have this condition. I will help you by giving the needed informations.
For your information, this disease is passed to children by parents who carry the mutated thalassemia gene. A child who inherits one mutated gene is a carrier, which is sometimes called “thalassemia trait.” Most carriers lead completely normal, healthy lives.
A child who inherits two thalassemia trait genes - one from each parent - will have the disease. A child of two carriers has a 25 percent chance of receiving two trait genes and developing the disease, and a 50 percent chance of being a thalassemia trait carrier.
I hope the above statement does help you in a way and if you need further assistance and explanations from us, you can talk to our doctor online. Thank you.
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