3 years
Intercourse bleeding
I have problem blood spotting after sex. I went to see doctor before this and detected to have chlamydia. Went through examination and doctor said my cervix was bruised but not that bad. I also don’t feel any pain at all. Took medicine already and normal after that. But previously it came back. What should i do now?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We understand you are experiencing a recurrent chlamydia infection. However, other condtions may cause similar symptoms such as :
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Cervicitis
- STDs
- Cervical polyps
- Growth in the cervix
If you are facing a recurrent chlamydia infection, this is common and you may need another course of antibiotics. Following resolution, you can use condoms to prevent transmission of STDs and get regular STD screening. Please refer to a doctor for a more accurate diagnosis.
We hope this answer has been helpful. Thank you.
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