3 years
Men fertility low semen fluid
Hi doctor,I wish to check on my fertility since i have quite a low of seminal fluid, and i check on the internet source saying that massage prostate glands adequately can improve the fertility rate and i tried, but seems nothing improve.

3 years
Hello and thank you for addressing your concern.
According to your statement, we believe a thorough clerking, investigation and examination needs to be done first in order to clearly understand what we are facing at the moment.
In need of a second opinion? Our fertility specialist are here to help
Sexual health abnormalities can be derived from various factors, namely:
- Psychological
- Neurological
- Hormonal
- Musculoskeletal/anatomical (i.e. trauma)
- Chemical (i.e. drug side effects)
Want a healthier lifestyle? Supplements are always a viable option!
To know further with regards to your condition, or to be able to decide on which therapy best suited for your condition, additional assessment must be made in advance. With that being said we encourage you to consult with the nearest clinic or hospital in your area. In addition you can also talk directly to our doctors by using this link. (DoctorOnCall) Thank you.