3 years
Morning coughs and flu
I’m a woman in my 20s, with no prior medical conditions. I sleep in an air conditioned room, and every morning when I wake up, I’ll have a runny nose. When i hit the showers in the morning, I’ll have serious coughs as well. However, all these will reside by noon. I’ve been experiencing this since young. May I know what is this condition, why, and if there’ll be any implications later on in life if I just let it be? Thank you in advance for your insights Dr.!

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Good morning,
Thank you for you question. I understand your concerns and will try our best to help you.
Morning allergies or in other words, Rhinitis is triggered by so many things that we don’t even realize we are doing in our everyday lives. The triggers consist of dust, mites, pet hair etc. Even while sleeping, every time you roll over, adjust your covers, push your pet away from the bed, or tap fluff your pillow, it adds up fresh particles of allergens into our airways.
While you sleep, phlegm and other irritants can pool in your lungs and throat overnight. When you become active in the morning, the phlegm starts to break up and may trigger a coughing fit. Often, a morning cough isn’t a sign of a serious medical condition.
As long as it is able to resolve itself every day shouldn’t be a problem, but if you want to seek medical help, you can do so too.
You can contact our doctors online by clicking the link below.
I hope I was able to answer your questions today.
Thank you
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