2 years
Uneasy stomach with bloating and indigestion
I’m a 25 y/o lady who has had long history of gastritis. Last time I got gastritis attack was on may and june, of which I had to take injections for both cases. For the past two weeks, I always had problem to take a dump. I felt my stomach in pain, but difficult to go to bathroom. My stomach had always felt like discomfort. Went to the pharmacy and got myself Enzylase by Lang Bragman as suggested by the pharmacist. I just want to know how do I consume this medicine and any restrictions while taking this meds. Thanks doc.
5 years
Hi and thank you for your inquiry. This is a general answer to the question asked. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us privately.
Based on your description, the use of artificial enzymes such as Enzylase are usually taken before meals as the enzymes work best before meals so that they can perform efficiently. Regarding restriction while taking these supplements, it has to be looked at the products package as different supplement enzymes has different restriction in terms of medication taken and foof to avoid. I f you have further question and problem regarding this issue, you can ask us privately through this link (DoctorOnCall) or this link (DoctorOnCallEPharma). Thank you.