5 years
Viginal redness, swelling, itchy & dryness
hi doctor, i’m an 18 year old girl. i have a problem related to my vigina. starting from early this year my vigina has been always itchy and tend to swells a lot. but sometimes it could heal & become normal again. but these 3-4 weeks, i noticed that it turns into redness & dryness at the same time. it’s worst whenever it feels itchy a lot. for the time being it haven’t heal yet. even whenever i peeing, it hurts even more.
i haven’t done any sexual contact with anyone before but why does my vigina become this way? please answer this question doctor, is it bcs i have a sickness or infection?

5 years
Thank you for your questions. The following answers regarding your current queries are just general descriptions due to the limited information provided by you. Click on this link (DoctorOnCall) for a private consultation with our doctors.
- Hello and thank you for submitting your question. Your problems might be caused by diseases like vaginal infection, allergy reaction to fabric or detergent, complications of diabetes and others.
- Some risk factors are prolonged antibiotic usage, diabetes mellitus, contraceptive use, immunodeficiency, mechanical irritation of vagina and sexual transmission. If you are on prolonged antibiotics or contraception, it is advisable for you to visit your doctor to change your medication. You should get a medical check-up done to rule out diabetes mellitus and immunodeficiency. Do not use tight pants or synthetic undergarments, wear cotton panties instead.
- If you are sexually active, get your partner tested out for fungal infection as this may also be the reason for you to get persistent infections. If none of these methods work, you are most like to have a condition known as recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis. This is defined as four specific episodes of candidiasis occur in a year. This would require a longer duration of treatment, which is oral antifungal tablet to be taken each week for consecutive week, as well as topical antifungal agents.
For further inquiry, please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctors online. We assure you that our conversations are kept in confidentiality unless additional consultation needed with other medical parties. Thank you.